Lock It or Lose It


The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and the Insurance Bureau of Canada have launched a campaign to raise awareness regarding auto theft as part of a joint crime prevention program. A professional can steal your vehicle in just 30 seconds – without the key. A vehicle with an unlocked door or an open window is an easy target. Protect your vehicle from theft. Always roll up your vehicle’s windows, lock the doors and pocket the keys when you park your vehicle. Keep your vehicle registration certificate and proof of insurance on you at all times. Don’t leave these documents in your glove compartment. Park in a well-lit area and never leave valuables in plain view. Put such items in the trunk.

Especially during the Christmas season, valuable objects or packages can be targeted, even if the vehicle itself is not stolen. They are not covered by your auto policy and  your personal property coverage will not apply if they have just been purchased and you have not yet arrived at your residence.

Inform your local police dept., or call the IBC TIPS Line at 1-877-IBC-TIPS, if you see vehicles or vehicle-related activities that look suspicious.

For further information, visit www.ibc./en/Insurance-Crime/Auto-Theft/