Marijuana - May I ?


With the recent legalization of recreational cannabis, there are several points to be aware of. Your home insurance coverage or claim shouldn’t be affected if you grow or possess cannabis in quantities and under conditions that are permitted by law in Ontario. Any illegal drug operations are prohibited and excluded. If you are making significant modifications to your property, or you purchase special equipment to grow cannabis legally, it could affect your coverage, so contact your broker.

If you live in a condo, the rules and regulations of the condominium corporation may prevent both the growth and smoking of cannabis.

If you are renting, the building management and landlords have the right to set different rules regarding the use and growing of cannabis.

The smell, especially the smoke, seeps and permeates, and if it is grown improperly, mould and fungi can occur devaluing the resale or rental value of the premises.

Legalization will change how we buy property. Clauses in agreements of purchase and sale will likely inquire whether cannabis was grown in the property. Since environmental, health risks, and physical effects can go undetected, buyers, real estate agents, and home inspectors will be extra vigilant.