Have you ever tried to list all your valuables from memory? Try it and then compare your list to your actual possessions. Chances are you’ll be surprised by how much you’ve missed. Imagine how much harder it would be if you’re trying to compile a list after your property has been stolen or damaged in a fire or flood. Without proper documentation, receipts, and photographs, it’s difficult to describe the true value of your belongings.

We advise you prepare a household inventory which is a list of all the valuables contained in your home, such as furniture, appliances, computer equipment, audio visual equipment, jewellery, artwork, musical instruments, tools, and clothing. It also includes property you store directly outside of your home, in a garage, shed, or backyard – such as sports equipment, gardening equipment, and patio furniture.

As you go from room to room, look inside drawers and closets too, and record all items of value. If possible, include how and when each item was acquired, its cost when purchased, and its estimated replacement cost. The more detail you include such as the manufacturer, serial and/or model numbers, the more useful the list will be.