Those who have classic cars or “seasonal” vehicles, usually put them “to sleep” for the winter. Here are some tips to do it right:

  • Fill the gas tank and add a fuel preservative. Take one last drive to circulate the preservative.
  • Make sure the anti-freeze is fresh and topped off and change the oil to avoid a nasty sludge in the spring.
  • Wash and wax the car to protect the paint. Protect the chrome with wax or paint sealant.
  • Over-inflate tires to avoid flat spotting, or jack up the car to take pressure off the tires.
  • Put a battery manager on the vehicle.
  • To prevent rodents nesting in an engine compartment, try a rodent repellent under the hood. (Remember to remove it before starting up the vehicle in the spring.)
  • Put down a few moisture pads on the upholstery to absorb moisture and prevent mildew.
  • Cover the car with a breathable cover to prevent corrosion and rust.
  • Remember to call your insurance provider to discuss available coverage reduction options.